Wells Fargo

Delivering a relevant message

A mockup of the dimensional mailer with a geometric pattern that symbolizes the climb it takes to achieve success.

Ascending together

Wells Fargo relationship managers face an uphill battle when it comes to catching the eye of potential clients and referral sources through traditional direct mail campaigns. These campaigns have struggled due to unclear messaging and poor response rates, making it difficult for Wells Fargo to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
In response to this challenge, I was tasked with taking on the role of Brand Steward and Art Director. Collaborating with Creative Art Directors, we came together to devise fresh and compelling concepts designed to grab attention and motivate action. Through careful planning and collaboration, we crafted a pitch that spoke directly to the needs of our target audience, showcasing the benefits of partnering with Wells Fargo for their financial needs. Our approach was focused and effective, resulting in a compelling direct mail campaign that resonated with prospects and boosted response rates.


Dimensional mail is a highly effective marketing strategy that is specifically designed to target prospects with tailored content. This unique approach is known to evoke a sense of excitement and wonder among recipients, which sparks their interest and entices them to engage with the message. Compared to traditional direct mail marketing methods, dimensional mail boasts a significantly higher response rate due to its personalized design and the enticing experience it offers. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses looking for a surefire way to grab the attention of their target audience and make a lasting impact.

A mockup of the dimensional mailer package. The cover has s to achieve success. The inside includes, The Bucket List book written by Kath Stathers.

Big idea

The message conveyed centered around the concept of "Ascending together". This idea was visually represented through a remarkable geometric pattern, representing the strenuous climb that leads to success. To further engage the audience, the dimensional mailer included a captivating hardcover book written by Kath Stathers, titled "The Bucket List". The book is a comprehensive guide to creating an unforgettable getaway, filled with unforgettable experiences. It serves as an excellent tool to assist the readers in transforming their travel dreams into life-changing memories.


A mockup of the dimensional mailer package. The cover has with a geometric pattern that symbolizes the climb it takes to achieve success. The inside includes, The Bucket List book written by Kath Stathers.


The implementation of dimensional mail campaigns proved to be highly effective, with a significant 25% increase observed in call-backs, face-to-face meetings, and the formation of new business relationships. As a dedicated Brand Steward and Art Director, I worked closely with a team of Creative Art Directors to produce innovative and impactful concepts that were tailored to our clients' specific needs. With a keen eye for detail, I ensured that all visual elements adhered to our company's branding guidelines, resulting in a cohesive and visually striking final product.

By transitioning from traditional direct mail strategies to targeted dimensional mail campaigns, our relationship managers were empowered to engage with prospects and referral sources in a more personalized and meaningful way. The incorporation of sensory experiences and interactive elements helped to capture and hold the attention of potential leads, thereby increasing the likelihood of a positive response and forging lasting business connections.

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